Laois Badminton Association Rules
1.Registration Fees
a) Adult Registration Fee € 5.00
b) Juvenile Registration Fee € 2.00
c) Club Registration Fee €20.00
d) League Entry Fee €20.00
e) Ladies / Mens League Entry Fee €10.00
2. An honorarium of €130 is given each to the County and League Secretary plus €55 to the Championships Secretary, each season.
1. The league runs the following competitions where possible:
(a) Grade 1 Open League (Six Person League)
(b) Grade 2 League (Six Person League)
(c) Grade 3 League (Six Person League)
(d) Grade 4 League (Six Person League)
(e) Grade 5 League (Six Person League)
(f) Grade 6 League (Six Person League)
(g) Grade 7 League (Six Person League)
(h) 7 Cup Competitions As above
(i) 7 Ladies & Men’s League (Four Person League)
(j) All Knock Out Cups are open draw competition
(k) No setting allowed in handicapped competitions Feather shuttles to be used in all grades.
(l) Feather shuttles to be used in all grades
(m) The League, Cup, Men’s & Ladies Leagues are separate competitions.
(n) The League and Cup competitions have priority over the Ladies and Men’s League.
(o) The League & Ladies and Men’s League may commence at the same time.
2 A meeting to be held for all club secretaries before 1st November each season. A fine of €20 will be imposed on all clubs not represented.
3. Where a Club has more than one team playing in the same competition each of these teams shall be considered as a complete unit and therefore cannot interchange players.
4. Where a club has more than one team playing in the same competition and since these teams are complete units, if the Club withdraws one team, substitutes cannot be taken from the withdrawn team for the other teams remaining in the same competition.
5. In the event of the Committee being unable to form a grade in the League / Cup in the normal way, the Committee shall have the power to form a Grade by whatever means necessary to form a competition.
6. Minimum numbers of teams to form a Grade Competition to be decided by the Executive.
7. Players transferring between Clubs must fill in the standard transfer sheet showing previous Club and standard achieved.
8. Executive members visiting any match have the right to enforce rigidly the rules, regarding starting times.
9. In the event of S.W.L. and Laois Finals being set for the same date that a compromise is reached.
10.Sportsmanship during the season is very important. Captains are asked to ensure that the team behaves and dresses in the appropriate manner.
11.Finals can be played in a multi-court hall.
12.All matches must be played before the Semi-final/Finals are due to start.
13.Official score sheets only must be used and completed in all hearings.
14.Teams should be arranged in order of merit in all competitions, with the exception of the Men and Ladies Leagues. The partnership with the higher cumlitive points must play above all others with lower they must all play in order from highest to lowest- 1---3. Any breach of this rule will result in automatic forfeiture of any points gained by the players who played in the incorrect position.
15.Afternoon fixtures can only be arranged by mutual agreement between teams.
16.A match can only be cancelled under the following conditions:
a. Death of a family member
b. Unavailability of a hall
c. County Commitments on behalf of some of the players of a team
17.If a match is cancelled for one of the above reasons the onus is on the club cancelling the match to inform the relevant Club and also the County Secretary of the decision, and to give the date of the rearranged match. (This date is arrived at in consultation with the opposing club).
18.If a match has to be cancelled, at least forty-eight hours notice must be given if less, opposing team may claim match.
1. Cups and plaques to be handed back before a date set by the Hon Secretary, or else the club in question will be fined €20.
2. The executive committee shall have the power to suspend or fine any Club or individual within the organisation for breach of rules governing the Laois Badminton Association
3. The Executive Committee shall have the power to recommend to the Executive Committee of the Leinster Branch that the affiliation of any Club in the County’s remit be refused, or suspended, or terminated and shall give it’s reasons for such contentions. The Executive Committee shall require an explanation from the Club concerned and shall adjudicate. The Association shall accept such adjudications.
4. Any grievances / appeals must be dealt with by the Executive Committee in advance of this topic being discussed at any General Meeting.
5. Any dispute arising between Clubs in these competitions shall be referred to the Executive Committee within 3 working days of completion of the match and such complaints must me made in writing to the Hon. Secretary.
6. The Chairperson and Secretary of the Club must sign all objections lodged.
7. In a dispute involving any Club, all members of that Club are barred from voting.
8. Each club to provide 3 people to officiate at a final each year. Clubs that fail to do so when requested pay a fine of €20.
9. The rules of the Association may be altered only by a resolution of a General Meeting. Any alteration or amendment thereto, shall not be passed unless supported by a majority of those eligible to vote. Each club has only one vote.
10. Any member of an affiliated club may propose or second an alteration to the rules. Any proposed alteration in the rules, together with the name of the proposed and seconded must reach the Hon Secretary of the Association at least 5 days before the Annual General Meeting, to be dealt with at the AGM.
11. Members of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to free admission to all matches and tournaments played within the county under the auspices of the Association
12. All Clubs may be requested to provide the Executive Committee with free use of the hall for one match.
13. Suppers, i.e, - tea and sandwiches to be provided by the home team.
14. A player shall not be permitted to play for any more than one Club affiliated to the ‘League’ in any one grade in any competition.
15. Registration sheet must show the player’s and sub’s full names.
16. Acceptable court attire must be worn on court at all times.
17. Score sheets must show players full name and points. The score-sheet must be signed by the Captain.
18. If a count of aces becomes necessary, aces are to be counted from scratch, irrespective of whether teams concerned are carrying plus or minus handicaps.
19. If a game is declared a walkover or claimed the score for that game is 21 – 0, 21 – 0. This also applies to handicapped events.
20. Players may only play on teams one grade below their individual grade.
21. If a team or individual wins a county title in a grade it does not mean upgrading automatically.
22. A fixed penalty of €25 will be levied on Clubs, which pulls out of any competition after the draws are made.
23. All halls used for the Knock-Out Cup and League semi-finals must conform to measurements as follows:
a. Minimum height over entire court area17 feet
b. Minimum width of court 20 feet
c. Minimum length of court 44 feet
d. Min. clearance between court and walls 1 foot
24. No coaching is allowed during play. Players are not allowed to leave the court without the umpire’s consent. No one is allowed on the court during play. If the umpire suspects that the above rules are being breached, the hall is cleared of everyone except the players, umpires, lines-people and the caretakers of the hall. If this does not happen then the game in question is postponed to another night. The committee will determine the time of the event, and the date that is given is final. This game will be treated as a ‘neutral venue’. If the umpire is definite as to what side is coaching the game is automatically awarded to their opponents.
25. In all matches, the Captain of the team shall, prior to commencement of play, exchange a score-sheet with a list of pairs in order of merit.
26. No alterations in order of play or personnel of a team can be made after the exchange of the Match Sheets.
27. Minimum number of teams to form a Grade Competition to be decided by the Executive.
28. At a semi-final or Final only, should a player become incapacitated after play in an event has begun, so that he/she cannot continue playing the Captain shall be entitled to include a substitute in any subsequent event in which such an incapacitated player should have taken part provided that:-
a. The event is a semi-final of Final only
b. The opposing Captain is consulted and if any dispute arises, it will be determined by the Referee for that day.
c. The injury or other incapacity was caused entirely after play in the event had begun and was not due to tiredness or worsening of an existing injury.
d. The relevant rule regarding substitution will apply.
29. All neutral venue matches to be played in order of games on score sheet or by mutual consent.
30. Hon. Secretary, or League Secretary on the approval of the Executive Committee usually arranges neutral venue matches.
31. League semi-finals and Finals and Cup Finals, dates to be set before Christmas by the Executive. These dates are binding and cannot be changed except under rule 14. (Competition)
32. For Play-off’s, League semi-finals and all finals played in a neutral hall, no return match is necessary and the match is decided on the night as per rule 36 below.
33. Neutral venue match is any match played at neutral venue, whether it be one of the following:
i. Play off of a section of any league
ii. Quarter Finals, Semi Finals or Finals of any league
iii. Finals of Knock-Out Cups.
34. Both teams share shuttles for neutral matches
35. Neutral observers will normally take charge of the match. If, however, for any reason no neutral observer is present, both team captains should take responsibility for each alternate game.
36. If neutral venue match is drawn sets to count. If still equal, aces to count and if a count of aces becomes necessary, aces are to be counted from scratch, irrespective of whether teams concerned are carrying plus or minus handicaps. If still equal first mixed to play again and the outcome of the first set decides the winners.
37. Home Club of neutral venue will usually supply supper, for which a charge will be made to all teams included who partake. This charge belongs to the host club.
38. No stoppage of play is allowed for tea or other beverages (exceptions for Semi-finals and Finals).
39. Both teams pay appropriate hall fee to club hosting the event.
40. An admission fee is usually charged at all neutral venue match. The admission fee is for the ‘LBA’.
41. All matches shall start not later than 8.00pm.
42. Whichever team is unable to provide a game as required that team shall forfeit one game from the list, the choice of game of the Ladies and Men’s doubles to be left to the opponents.
43. If only mixed is available then this game can be played, if a team facilitates another team by playing games out of sequence that team would normally have the right to arrange the sequence of the mixes to suit themselves. It should however be agreed at the outset between the opposing captains.
44. Games can be claimed every half-hour. E.g., 8.30pm, 9.00pm and so on.
45. Games can only be claimed at the point in which that game is due on court. (i.e a half hour after previous game ends).
1. League Competitions usually start during the first week of November and finish as soon as possible, by the end of February.
2. Half of the matches must be played before Christmas.
3. Fixture lists of the League Competitions will be forwarded to each Club Secretary, after which date no postponements of fixtures are permissible, except where hall is not available.
4. Teams shall consist of 3 or 4 ladies and 3 or 4 men in all grades.
a. In the event of a six person team, all players play 2 games one of which must be mens / ladies doubles.
b. A Club may decide to play a 7 (or 8) person team but in this case 2 players (4 in the case of 8) will only play 1 game.
c. Teams playing as 7 / 8 player teams must maintain that format throughout the season i.e. you cannot change from 7 (8) players to 6 (7) players or vice-versa.
5. All matches to consist 2 ladies doubles, 2 men’s doubles and 2 mixed doubles..
6. Games to consist of the best of three sets of 21 aces. A point is awarded for the winning of each game won in the match. Maximum number of points to be won is 6.
7. Finals dates of the League Matches to be decided by the Executive Committee.
8. In league competitions the top team goes through to the final. Second and Third placed teams will play-off, the winner going through to the final. This is also at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
9. With two groups containing 4 to 6 then ‘A’ V runners-up ‘B’ and winners ‘B’ v runners-up ‘A’ in semi-finals.
10. If teams finish level in the league standings then the results of the two matches between them to apply. If three teams finish level then results against the opposing two are added to get qualifier. If games, sets and aces are equal then a play-off to take place in a neutral hall. Where this is not possible, then games, sets, and aces in all league games count.
11. Each team shall play one Home and Away match against each other team in their league, or Section where the league is divided.
12. No alterations in order of play or personnel of a team can be made after the second match in the League. This does not apply to substitutes.
13. The order of play is 1st Ladies, 1st Men, 2nd Ladies, 2nd Men, 1st Mixed, 2nd Mixed. However if there is mutual agreement between the Captains the games can be played in a different order.
14. Any club/group which plays an illegal player or does not accurately return names of players taking part in matches shall be liable at the discretion of the Executive Committee, to have the team concerned disqualified from ‘The League’ or points deducted .
15. If a team is disqualified, all points awarded for and against that team shall be declared null and void for that particular season.
1. This is a 4-person league played by 4 ladies in the case of the ladies league and 4 men in the men’s league.
2. The highest partnership (points) must play first doubles, the other pair play second doubles. Then partners switch and play a further two doubles games with the highest points playing third doubles and the remaining pair playing fourth doubles.
1. All persons affiliated to Laois will be individually graded by LBA grading committee before the season starts. Every Club will receive a grading list before the league commences. The grading committee shall consist of 1 nominated member from each club registered the previous season.
2. In order to assist the Grading of teams / players, all club Secretaries must forward a list of any players who are not present on the grading list and have not played in any competition under the auspices of the BUI over the previous 3 seasons, together with their grades.
PLAYERS PLAYING Prem. Senior GR. 1 GR. 2 GR. 3 GR. 4 GR. 5 GR. 6 GR. 7 GR. 8
TOP OF GRADE 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3
MIDDLE OF GRADE 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 5 2
BOTTOM OF GRADE 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1
GRADE PREM SENIOR GR. 1 GR. 2 GR. 3 GR .4 GR .5 GR. 6 GR. 7 GR 8
MAXIMUM 240 216 192 168 144 120 96 72 48 24
3. Each individual grade is allotted a certain amount of points and a maximum allotted to each grade. The highest 6 players to count
4. A team or players can play in more than one grade if they so wish provided they observe Rule 3 above.
5. Only 1 woman and 1 man form the next higher grade may play on a particular grade team.
6. A player registering after competitions begin and who is not present on the season’s grading list will be considered a late registration. Such individuals may not play on any team in any grade until the club has informed the County or League Secretary in writing. The Club as per 2 above must supply the grade of these individuals. If, however, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Club requires this player to fulfil a fixture then the club must inform the County or League Secretary by telephone before he/she plays and written details of the player including grade must be received by the League Secretary with the relevant score sheet within the time limits as per rules.
7. The penalties for rules 2 and 6 of this section are as follows:
i. Deduction of all points gained by the individual concerned.
ii. The Club in breach will be fined a minimum of €10 per player.
iii. The new grade applies to the individuals for the rest of the season.
8. A 6-person team who win’s a County title and plays in the Inter League Competition have to increase their team numbers by 2. The conditions in which they do so are as follows:
i. Players must be registered with the County.
ii. The team points are increased to represent an 8 person team.
iii. Note new rule at 2009 Leinster Inter-County AGM…no player from a higher grade may drop down to play in Leinster competitions
1. In the event of a substitute being necessary he/she must play in the absent players position. A substitute cannot be of a higher individual grade than the person he/she is replacing.
2. If Rule 1 above is broken the team in question will automatically loose any points gained by the incorrect substitute, will be deducted one point from overall standings.
3. All subs must be graded for the season.
4. Where a substitute player is being used for a match then this must be marked on the score sheet. The name of the player being substituted must also be written on the score sheet. Any breach of this rule will result in any points gained by the substitute being deducted from the team in breach.
1. Only players graded by the committee are allowed to partake in the Championships.
2. The rules of the International Federation will be observed.
3. Only players affiliated to the Laois Badminton Association may take part…Exceptions are allowed at discretion of Committee.
4. The running of any event is at the discretion of the committee.
5. All entries must be on Official entry forms (photocopies will suffice)
6. Any change of partner after the closing date must be of the same grade or lower than the person he/she is replacing.
7. Winners umpire the next game.
8. All entries must be accompanied by the relevant entry fees.
9. Players who are not in the hall when required to play their games automatically forfeit their games.
10.Players cannot play below their individual grades.
11.No extension of the final date for the receipt of entries set by the committee is allowed.
12.Semi-finals will be the minimum to make a competition.
13.The winner of any event in the previous year will have to play a grade higher in the current competition.
14.County Championships may be played in Multi-court halls.
All juveniles have to be graded.
Laois Badminton Association Constitution
1. The Association shall be called Laois Badminton Association.
2. It shall have its object the arrangement and advancement of Badminton within the County, as played under the laws of International Badminton Federation and according to the rules of the Badminton Union of Ireland.
3. The County Association shall have an emblem as set out in Rule 35. The emblem may be incorporated into a badge to be worn by those who have represented the county in matches.
4. The County Association shall consist of such bona fide Badminton Clubs as affiliate to it.
5. The government and management of the County Association shall be exercised through an Executive Committee.
6. a The Executive Committee shall consist of:
The Chairperson of the County Association
Two Vice Chairpersons of the County Association
Hon. Secretary / Hon. Treasurer of the County Association
League Secretary.
One Vice Secretary / Treasurer of the County Association
One Public Relations Officer (PRO)
Three Committee members
b Only two members from the same Club will be allowed on the Executive Committee at any one time.
In the event of a reduced quantity of clubs then the Association has the right to reduce the no’s / posts above with the approval at the current years AGM.
7. The Chairperson, Two Vice Chairpersons, The Hon. Secretary / Treasurer and All Committee members will hold office on the Executive Committee from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the next succeeding Annual General Meeting.
8. Immediately on conclusion of the Annual General Meeting the Executive Committee will meet. At this meeting they will,
a. Appoint one of their numbers to represent County Association on the Branches County Affairs Committee
b. Make arrangements for further meetings
c. Conduct any further business as may be appropriate.
9. The Executive Committee shall make all arrangements necessary for or incidental to the proper organisation of Badminton within the County and , if practicable,
a. Shall arrange for a team or teams to participate in the Inter County Competitions.
b. Shall organise annually a tournament principally for those registered or resident in the County. This tournament will be called the County Championships.
c. Shall organise publicity for Badminton generally.
The Executive Committee shall supervise the collection of income of the County Association and sanction such expenditure as it sees fit.
10. At all meetings of the Executive Committee, five shall form a quorum .
1. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Selection Committee of three persons of whom not more than one shall be a member of any one club. The Selection Committee shall arrange trials and shall pick teams to play in the Inter – County competitions.
2. The Executive Committee shall appoint such other Sub-Committee as it thinks fit, to carry out the affairs of the Association as set out in Rule 9 or otherwise. The Chairperson, Hon. Secretary / Treasurer shall be ex official members of all sub-committees unless the Executive Committee decides otherwise in respect in any or all sub-Committees. In all cases a sub-committee shall report to the Executive Committee.
1. The Executive should appoint one person to the Championship Committee to act as Chairperson.
3. The Hon. Secretary shall give seven clear days notice of each meeting of the Executive Committee and shall notify each member of the Committee individually by post, or telephone, or email, indicating the business of the meeting, provided that in case of urgency the term of notice may be abridged.
4. The Executive Committee may co-opt a new member to fill any vacancy that may arise.
5. If a vacancy occurs in any Committee appointed by the Executive Committee, the remaining members shall have power to co-opt a new member to fill the vacancy.
6. The Executive Committee shall keep an official record on all Juvenile activities each season.
17. a Seven days notice at least, specifying the date, time and place of the A.G.M. and signed by the Hon. Secretary will be sent by post to each Club Secretary of previous season’s fixture list.
b Nominations from the floor to be accepted as well as written nominations at the A.G.M.
18. The Executive Committee shall hold an Annual General Meeting of The County Association before 31st May in each year. At this meeting any member of an affiliated club shall be entitled to attend and speak, if a vote be taken, only one vote per club allowed. If upon the taking of a vote, at this or any other meeting, the meeting be equally divided, the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote. No person except the Chairperson (or someone acting as Chairperson in his/her absence), in the circumstances stated shall have more than one vote.
1. (a) At the Annual General Meeting, only clubs that played in the previous Season’s Competitions have the power to make and second proposals and vote.
(b) Only one vote per Club allowed on any issue to be decided
c ) Voting will be by ballot
a. Only affiliated members of the previous season may be nominated for any position on the Executive Grading Committee.
2. The following business shall be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting.
A Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
B Hon. Secretary’s Report on season concluded
C Hon Treasurer’s Report on season concluded
D Election of Officers
E Election of Hon. Secretary
F Election of Hon. Treasurer
G Election of P.R.O.
H Election of Vice Secretary / Treasurer
I Election of League Secretary
J Election of other committee members as deemed appropriate
J Election of a Championship Secretary, and committee members as required.
K Election of an appeals Board of three (as per rule 35)
3. In addition to the specific business mentioned in rule 20, the Annual General Meeting shall have the power to deal with such other business as may come before it including changes in Rules of the Association (subject to Rule 23)
4. The fine for non-attendance of the AGM is €25
5. At the Annual General Meeting nine shall be a quorum. If there be no Quorum present within thirty minutes of the time appointed for the holding of the meeting, then the business of the Agenda may be disposed of by those present, but no business shall be transacted save that set out on the notice calling the meeting and Rule 17 (b) shall not apply.
Seven day’s notice at least specifying the date, the hour, and place of an Annual General Meeting, and the general nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting shall be given by the Hon Secretary / Treasurer of the County Association to all those entitled to attend and vote as specified in Rules 6 & 7. Notice shall be given in writing and sent by ordinary letter in the post or by email. The non-receipt of notice by any person entitled thereto shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting.
24. a Only one member from any club to be allowed on the Grading Committee.
B League and Cup draws to be made by Grading Committee
25.It shall be the duty of the Hon. Treasurer to lodge all monies received to the Credit of the Association with it’s bankers for the time being. Cheques drawn on the account of the Association shall be signed by any of two or three persons duly authorised by the Executive Committee for that purpose.
26.As soon as possible after the close of each season the Hon. Treasurer shall prepare:
a. An Income and Expenditure Account for the season ended.
b. A Balance Sheet as at the date taken as the closing of the season, and shall present these accounts, audited, to the AGM.
27.Any Badminton Club may be affiliated to the Association upon making written application for affiliation to the Hon. Secretary / Treasurer of the Association at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
28.Every affiliated Club shall comply with the laws of the International Badminton Federation, the rules of Badminton Ireland, the rules of the Leinster Branch of Badminton Union of Ireland, and the rules of the County Association. In any instance where the various Rules may not be in harmony the rules of the superior body shall be accepted, in the order or precedence set out in this rule.
29.Each affiliated Club shall furnish to the Hon. Secretary / Treasurer of the Association on or before the appointed closing date in each season a return setting out:
a. The name, address and telephone number or numbers of the Hon. Secretary / treasurer of the Club elected to hold office for the ensuing year
b. The name of all members of the Club, in all categories, eg. Playing, Non-playing, junior, etc.
c. The address of the hall wherein the Club normally plays.
d. The normal nights of play of the Club
e. Each Club that is not represented on the incoming Executive Committee must nominate one person to be available on sub-committees during the season. This person to be nominated at the secretaries meeting before Christmas.
30. a Each affiliated Club shall pay to the County Association an annual affiliation fee.
B No Club can compete unless the Entrance Fee for each team entered has been paid
31. The County Association is not now responsible for collecting any fees for the Leinster Badminton Union or those fees due to Badminton Ireland. These are paid directly to Badminton Ireland by the individual clubs.
32. The Annual affiliation fee to the Laois Badminton Association shall be sent to the Hon Secretary / Treasurer of the Association not later than the date of the first match fixture.
33. Players who are not members of an affiliated Club shall not be permitted to play in any competition held under the auspices of, or under sanction from, the County Association, or the Branch, or the Badminton Union of Ireland.
34. On affiliation each Club shall be supplied with a copy of these Rules and shall be bound thereby.
35. a. An appeals Committee of three be set up each year to hear appeals against decisions made by the Executive Committee
b. No Executive member should serve on this committee.
c. Only one member from each Club allowed
d. No member is allowed to hear an appeal from their own Club. A replacement to be found for this meeting.
e. A fee of €25 must be enclosed with each appeal. This will be refunded if the appeal is upheld.
f. Appeals must be signed by the Chairperson and Secretary from the relevant Club and be with the Hon. Secretary within 5 days of the Club being notified of the decision, which they are appealing against.
g. Decisions made by the appeals board to be based on the rules of the Association i.e., Clubs cannot appeal against these rules except at an AGM.
h. Decisions made by the appeals board are final.